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Milton Friedlander is a former accountant at I.Y.S. Insurance, who knew Nathan Ford when he worked there. He continued following Nate's exploits with Leverage Consulting & Associates, and eventually, after Nate's death, wrote a false memoir where he claimed to be Nate Ford. This got him the attention of both the Leverage crew and some criminals who wanted to use Nate's skills.


The Mastermind Job[]

Milton releases the first draft of his book “The Mastermind: A Team of Criminals take down the Criminally Rich” online, in which he claims to be Nathan Ford.

Milton agrees to a TV interview to advertise his book. The interviewer (Sophie) starts to worry Milton about people coming after him due to what secrets he will be revealing once he publishes his book. While about to leave, Milton and Harry get kidnapped by former King Navid, who takes them to the North of France. Navid recruits Milton, believing him to be Nate, to steal his wife’s scarab from her secure museum.

The Leverage team goes to rescue Harry and finds Milton. Milton explains that he was a forensic accountant for IYS. Nate was the only one at IYS to acknowledge him and the other workers. Nate always told Milton that one day they’d find his superpower. When Nate left, Milton realized he was extremely boring. IYS considered Nate a threat, so they tracked him and the Leverage team. One day Milton ran into Nate at a bar, and Nate began telling him all of his stories. Milton then borrowed Nate’s stories to make his life seem more interesting. When Milton got laid off from IYS, he needed the money and decided to publish Nate’s stories in a book.

The Leverage team then uses Milton to help them rescue Harry. On the con, Milton realizes that his superpower is being boring, and he can put anyone to sleep simply by talking to them. Milton realizes that Nate never told him about Sophie as he was protecting her. Milton finally tells Sophie his real name at the end of the episode.
