Leverage Wiki
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A collaborative encyclopedia about the TNT drama Leverage and its follow-up Leverage: Redemption.
See what we're writing about, and what we still need!
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We have been editing 409 articles since November 7, 2008.

EXCITING NEWS! Leverage: Redemption has been renewed for Season 3. No date for the premiere has been announced, but the show will be moving from Amazon’s Freevee service, to Amazon Prime.

The Leverage Consulting & Associates Team

The Leverage International Team

Complete character list from both series

Leverage Episodes

Previous Episode:

Next Episode:

The Toy Job
Broadcast date: December 18, 2012 at 10:00 pm
To prevent a CEO from placing an unsafe toy on the market, the team creates a craze for a competing toy. READ MORE

The Long Goodbye Job
Broadcast date: December 25, 2012 at 10:00 pm
Series finale. The team embarks on their riskiest con yet when Nate takes a case linked to his son's death. Ellen Casey questions Nate as he retells the job that supposedly got his entire team killed. The job was to steal "the Black Book," a record of all illegal transactions made by bankers and wealthy people that led to the financial crisis of 2007–08. However, it is revealed that the job was successful, the team is very much alive and Sterling, who had been assigned to look into the break-in, allows Nate to walk away from possible imprisonment. Nate retires to marry Sophie and the team plans to start "Leverage International" with their newly obtained information. The series ends with a scene reminiscent to the closing scene of the pilot, with the team (now consisting of only Parker, Eliot, and Hardison) taking on a new case, but with Parker having replaced Nate as the leader of the Leverage team. READ MORE

Expand your Leverage experience! Join the Leverage production team on
The Leverage Ten Podcast
available on iTunes!

Episode Guide
Season OneSeason TwoSeason ThreeSeason FourSeason Five

Featured Article


Mysterious, and elusive, the most formidable adversary the team has faced is Damien Moreau, the international bank of crime. Operating from his base on the small island nation of San Lorenzo, Moreau sees himself as a visionary businessman who does not judge the clients he funds. He is totally ruthless in his business dealings as well as very slow to trust anyone he does not know. Moreau's interests include smuggling of art and artifacts and gun running, and is prepared to remove anyone who stands in his way. Almost untouchable by international law enforcement, and with enough money to buy politicians and the media, he surrounds himself with corrupt officials who shield him from prosecution. He also travels with a small army of security that once included Eliot. It takes a team that operates outside the law, and with very specialized skills, to bring him down.

Community Messages

This section will help you stay up to date with what's happening on the Leverage Wiki.
To see a list of recent activity on the Wiki, click here.

First off, I'm Leverage Guru, the newest admin on the wiki. This wiki is a diamond in the rough that's ready for some polishing. I've started a new forum to discuss editor's ideas for improvement of the wiki -- let's hear what you think!

I've set a few personal agendas for my own editing, and am hoping a few dedicated editors will contribute their expertise and ideas:

  • Thorough copy editing of all pages.
  • Development of a more stylized, attention grabbing launch page.
  • Expansion of the season lists into season articles.
  • Redesign of episode pages to develop narrative descriptions of episodes, add media and reduce lists of bullets without narrative
  • Reduction of trivial and stub pages by collapsing them into larger topical pages (such as pages on the various cons the show has featured.)
  • Development of a fan area that can house fan media, artwork and fiction.

I'm a great believer in collaboration toward a shared vision. Please join the discussion, drop me a note on my talk page, and share your great ideas! Season Four will be the longest in Leverage history, with 10 summer and eight winter episodes. It's a great opportunity to build this wiki into an active, high visibility site.

Helping out

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Not sure where to start?
Adding content
  • Develop an article that interests you.  Many articles need content; often it's preferable to develop an article by adding content rather than creating a new article.
  • Every wiki has two list of articles that need help called  "Stubs" and "Wanted Articles". Don't be shy, get in there. Wanted articles may need writing, or may lead to red links that can be removed.  
  • Uploading images is another really easy way to help out - see the Special:Upload page!
  • You can find a list of useful templates on Category:Templates, some of which are documented on the templates project page.
Talk and more...
  • Check out the community portal to see what the community is working on, to give feedback or just to say hi.
  • Or head on over to the forums and coordinate with the community on editing, projects, and more.  There's a forum especially for discussion of improvements to the wiki.

Leverage News

The Ovation network will begin broadcasting Leverage at 7pm Eastern/4 pm Pacific, in a four-hour block each Tuesday. (4.5 hours for the first round as "The Nigerian Job" runs 90 minutes with commercials.) Check their schedule for other dates and times episodes will be shown, and for episodes of The Librarians.
Leverage: Redemption has been renewed for Season 3, and will move to Amazon Prime.
Leverage: Redemption was renewed for a second season.
The next eight episodes of Leverage: Redemption premiered on IMDbTV / Amazon Prime.
Leverage: Redemption, the follow-up to the original series, premiered.

Featured Media

Recap: Season Four

TNT Shows

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

The AlienistClawsThe Last ShipMajor Crimes - The CloserRizzoli & IslesWitchblade
