Leverage Wiki

Arthur, plans are like identities. Always have a backup.

Sophie, The One Man's Trash Job


Arthur and Sophie worked together as street rats in London. Together they joined a crew doing art forgery. The boss got Sophie into high society, where she would convince people to buy fakes that Wilde made. Eventually, someone realized the art pieces were forgeries. With the influence of their boss, Sophie let Arthur take the fall, causing him to go to prison.[1]

The One Man’s Trash Job[]

Arthur Wilde was working for Clyde Hammond, forging his art’s authentications. He was also stealing some of Clyde’s priceless art pieces to sell on the side and swapping the pieces out for forgeries.

One day, Arthur meets Sophie, posing as an art authenticator at Clyde’s office. Arthur doesn’t immediately reveal Sophie’s con and instead pulls her away from Clyde to talk to her alone. Arthur is still mad at Sophie, blaming her for sending him to prison. He tells her to stay out of his way.

At an action, Wilde immediately picks out Eliot as a part of Sophie’s team. Sophie breaks the two apart and loops Wilde into their con, promising him some antiques in Hammond’s secret shipping container. The team uses tiles implanted with a tracker to determine where Hammond’s secret shipping container is. Only, when the tiles are on Hammond’s boat, the trackers stop working.

When Hammond notices Eliot stalking him, Arthur tells him Eliot’s a crooked fed. Everything ultimately leads to Hammond shooting Arthur and getting away on a motorboat. Harry had earlier switched out Hammond’s bullets with blanks, so Arthur is unharmed. The team still manages to take down Hammond, finding his secret shipping container and unloading it

Sophie tries to make amends with Arthur by apologizing for what happened in the past. Arthur tells her that even though she put her past behind her, that doesn’t negate the harm she’s done. Arthur tells her she hasn’t changed and walks away without accepting her apology.

The Museum Makeover Job[]

Arthur calls Sophie after stealing the Maharaja crown. Sophie realizes that Arthur orchestrated everything so that she would get Ramsey arrested by luring her in with her stepdaughter, Astrid. Arthur admits that he wanted revenge on Ramsey and Sophie. While the team was taking Ramsey down, Arthur stole the Maharaja crown, hoping to pin the robbery on the Leverage crew.

The Crowning Achievement Job[]

The police employ Arthur to take down the people who stole the Maharaja crown. He tells Astrid about how her stepmother and her team are behind the crime.

Arthur finds Astrid tied up and frees her. They catch up to the Leverage crew and arrest them. After the arrest, Arthur returns to the museum, revealing he hid the real crown below its display case. When he turns around, he finds Astrid and Sophie there to arrest him. It’s revealed that Astrid was working with Sophie, and Arthur is arrested.



  1. The One Man's Trash Job. Leverage: Redemption, Season 2, Episode 2.